Pros of Intranet Portal
1.Intranet portal helps employees to easily find information they need and increases work performance.
2.Intranet portal provides a single gateway to gather all corporate information and services together making it convenient for employees to access and spend less time to learn how to use the application.
3.With integrating services and personalized presentations when navigating a wide data space provided on Intranet portal, users will be able to browse and obtain the information they need much more easy.
4.Intranet portal is a web-based application offering users to build a made to order site that pulls Internet activity and preferred content into one page.
5.With the use of substantial scheme, Intranet portal is able to deliver Science & Technology and administrative “knowledge” to your work station.
Cons of Intranet Portal
1.Since its maintenance and management can be time consuming and pricey, Intranet portal can cause a large amount of expense for your business.
2.There could be problem on security issues; there should be ways to limit unauthorized access to sensitive information, however, doing so could cause problems to those who need access for their job.
3.Gathering all information into one place can be convenient if it is well-organized. If not, overloaded data can make it difficult for users to find the right information and causes a lower performance.